Krista Tier offers a Luxury Business Mentoring Experience that Builds your Business into Timeless Wealth & Success.

Whether you’re just starting in business or a veteran entrepreneur, Krista has the skills & experience to support your rapid growth beyond your wildest dreams. By infusing sales psychology, buyer behaviour, deep energetic & emotional healing and mastery of social media marketing.

Coming on board to work with Krista and the team opens you to a whole new world of possibility. With high end collaborations available, new friendships and peers, like-minded people fully developed in their own Self-development truly is a gift and honour to be a part of.

It’s one that requires a strong sense of leadership & self and a high commitment to end goal of creating lasting impact in the world and a higher rate of success in your personal & business life.

What is High End Luxury Business Mentoring?

The Fast Track to Success…

With proven results & strategies and cutting-edge formulas that help you become a leader in your field, Krista gives you access to her many years of experience in the business realm. Her potent ability to see someone’s greatest potential allows her to awaken the unlocked power within and ignite in you a source of untapped potential.

With 17 years experience, Krista has owned and operated 4 brick and mortar business before stepping into the coaching space. Her experience in business, personal and spiritual development is astounding. Unlike other coaches, Krista doesn’t work in a one size fits all approach, she personalises every interaction to give you tailored results for your business.

On a global mission to support business owners all over the world into their greatest experience of life and healing through the lens of business.

Apply for Amplifier

The clients I work with in Amplifier are elite level leaders in their industry. This process is by application only as I work with clients who are ready to take their business to the next level!

The Krista Tier team don’t believe in success being measured by finances, we measure it by leadership & the willingness to be Innovators.